Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We arrived back in town just after my sister, brother and his wife came to Texas. On Christmas Eve, we all went to my parents church and then back to my parents house for Christmas dinner. Sara Beth had a great time running around trying to scare everyone.
Hudson patiently let us dress him up in a fancy suit and tie. He didn't even chew on the tie all that much.
It snowed this Christmas, though I didn't take any pictures of it. Sara Beth wanted me to come out side with her to play. We threw snow balls at the people still inside and she jumped on the snow covered trampoline. And, like a switch, she realized how cold it was and was ready to come inside to get warm.
Sara Beth's big present this year was a new bike. She had out grown her old bike, so I spent part of Christmas eve assembling the new bike. It is a little large for her now, but she will grow into it quickly.
Hudson's big gifts were diapers and sippy cups! Heather did buy him a guitar that lights up and makes noises. He discarded that in the lower right corner of the below picture because he was much more interested in all the sparkles on his big sister's new bike.
Sara Beth and my brother had a great time constructing inventive train paths. They enjoyed neither Hudson's attempts as "track reconfiguration" nor my attempts at creating large industrial train accidents. I was merely highlighting the flaw in having such tight curves in the track and that a train going at high speed would derail easily.
Ok, all the holiday posts have been completed. Next time, I will detail everything that has happened in the three weeks since new years.

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