Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Christmas and Beanboozling

Another backlog of pictures to post! 
We had Heather's Aunt and Uncle for dinner on Christmas Eve and brought little party gifts. I didn't realize my beard had gotten that long, but with the eye patch, I look like a real pirate.
Christmas day was fulled with the joy of unwrapping gifts.
Hudson got a big Nerf gun as his big gift from us.
And Sara Beth got an American Girl Doll that she had picked out for us to get her.
So, over Christmas break, we decided to play a game of Beanbozled. Jelly Belly makes a pack of beans with identical beans some that taste like normal candy, and some that taste like moldy cheese and barf.
We had large quantities of water and spit cups for when the bean didn't taste like candy.
Everyone had a great time, and we will definitely do it again sometime.

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