Saturday, September 27, 2008


In the continuous process of growing up, Sara Beth keeps adding to her list of abilities.  The newest to be added is sitting upright in her stroller.  Heather took her around the block sitting up and looking forward, and Sara Beth enjoyed every step of it.  I've mentioned it before, but Sara Beth really doesn't want to miss a thing that might be going on.  So when she sits forward, she can see a lot more.  Heather would have gone kept on walking for longer, but it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon.  Even though fall technically started a few days ago, the weather here in Dallas still behaves like the peak of summer.  Needless to say, all future walks will be conducted in this new format, but in cooler parts of the day.  

As soon as  Heather got home, she tried to sit Sara Beth on the  floor in the similar upright position, with less  than perfect results.  She slowly sank forward, though I will give Sara Beth props as she  grunted and strained to sit  back up the entire time.

Now that we have FINALLY captured a picture of Sara Beth smiling, the process has become easier, and so we can catch her in the act a lot more often.   This time, Heather tickled her with her little duck toy.  Of course, in the next frame, Sara Beth decides that her duck is a chew toy and begins to gnaw on the plastic.


Jenn said...

Wow, I can't believe she is sitting up in her stroller already. And slipping down slowly when she is sitting un-aided is absolutely amazing!! Yet again, she is ahead of where she should be! What a strong and smart baby girl (she must get that from Heather....just teasing)...

Hannah said...

Duh! Her duck IS a chew toy! And sitting up...that girl's going to be some sort of Olymian some day!

Melissa said...

She's amazing!!

Melissa said...

It's just tagged you so Tag your it! Read my blog.