Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Doctors and decorations

One day last week, I came home from work and began to talk to Heather in the kitchen while she made dinner. For whatever reason, I decided to sit on the floor by the fridge while chatting. Sara Beth then came rushing in with a handful of her "doctor equipment." She dropped them on the floor by my feet and then ran back to her play room to retrieve a second handful. She then began to give me a checkup.

It was going quite well until she decided that I needed a shot of medicine in the eye. I probably spoiled her budding career in the medical field. Heather took some time from making dinner to capture the event.

Sara Beth loved the Halloween decorations that were up three weeks ago. Every night she would ask to go out for a walk to look at them. After they went down, we consoled her with the knowledge that Christmas decorations would be up soon. There are a few early over-achievers that have put their decorations up already (Heather would probably be one of them if I didn't tell her that we can only decorate for one holiday at a time and Thanksgiving isn't here yet.) So now Sara Beth goes for walks every evening looking at the twinkling lights and lighted reindeer. We told her that we will put our decorations up at the end of the week, and she is excitedly awaiting their arrival. As I put her to bed tonight, she informed me that we need to have wreaths on our windows too.

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