For those of you keeping track, I made all kinds of posts about the first day, and none about the next two days. There was so much going on, and so much to write about, but not enough time to do it. And that last sentance makes me sound like a real parent.
Yesterday, I felt like we had captured the elusive non-crying baby, but apparently, she was just too tired. We put Sara Beth in the nursery last night and the nurse brought her in to feed and then took her back. We got some sleep, but the nurses kept her in the nursery for longer then we wanted. I went and picked up Sara Beth from the nursery at around 8:00 am after she had been away from us for over 4 and a half hours.
When Heather started trying to feed her, her mommy sense was going off. She knew that there was something not right about how SaraB was nursing. Every nurse she asked said that it all looked ok. Heather was not disuaded by them and insisted on seeing a lactation nurse. As the day wore on, SaraB was getting more and more upset, and Heather was getting more and more concerned and frustrated with the nurses lack of nursing skills. I was getting all worked up. It was quite a problem, and getting worse. Finally, in the afternoon, the answer to prayer came. A nurse who knew what she was actually doing came in, calmed everyone down, and started giving Heather the help she had been asking for. After that she went out, got the lactation nurse, and brought her to the room for even more help. By the end of the day, we had a plan and were in a much better place emotionally. And Heather was right. SaraB was latching on correctly, but not actualy doing the right kind of sucking to get anything, so she was just getting more and more hungry. I felt bad for some of our family and friends that came by during this time and were turned away at the door, but it was a long day.
I'm sure all the parents reading this can relate. The first day, the baby is a calm sweet thing that just sits there and looks cute, and in day 2 they just grow a second head. The nurses told us it was normal, only it generally happens after the family gets home. I'm just glan Sara Beth is advanced for her age and got to the point while we were still at the hospital. Looking back, I'm sure the episode will be really funny, but it still a little too fresh.